The MCE 1976 Batch

Here are the class photos of the MCE 1976 batch scanned from the school magazine. It is unfortunate that my copy of the “Perdana” does not have the class photos for Form 5 Science 2 and Form 5 Science 3. The page numbering does not seem to be missing – maybe a mistake made by our Editorial Board?

If somebody from the two classes would like to share their photo please send it to me. I really appreciate it. I also welcome comments from those in the photos or those who simply wish to drop some words.

You may also view the MCE-76 batch Gathering in 1999 near Masjid Terapung Kuala Ibai (click).

Please click on the photo to get for a larger image.

~ by akarimomar on December 26, 2009.

5 Responses to “The MCE 1976 Batch”

  1. Thanks Karim for the MCE batch 1976, it’s really nostalgic. Ana di 5A1, seronok sungguh tengok geng2 dulu,imbau kembali seribu kenangan lalu. Wuuh! tak tahu dimana mereka sekarang. Klu dapat mereka beri komen sikit dapatlah kita hubungi balik or perhaps buat reunion. BTW, Karim where do you live in Trg bukan ape sekali sekala balik ke KT boleh jumpa. Thanks.

  2. Zubir, memang nostalgik bila duduk belek majalah-majalah lama. Inilah antara sebab saya scan dan kongsikan. Saya di Ampang/KL (dekat dgn Ampang Point). Made phone contact with your brother Hussin (now in Kemaman). How is your elder sister and eldest brother? Pernah dulu pergi jalan dengan dgn dia and Hussin ke KB … wow that was 35 years ago.

  3. For those who are in form 5sc4 n form 5 year 1976,sekiranya
    berkunjung ke besut,jgn lupa hubungi saya.0179717891 kerana amat merindui kamu semua.atau jumpa di yahoo messenger. Just add merindui kamu semua

  4. […] Mamat Raja Salim (MCE 1976) was one of the SS fine runners in mid-70s. He had passed away in Johore Bahru of stroke and heart […]

  5. Any chances for the 5C1 classmates ….to catch up….or get together???

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